Thanks for this illuminating reflection. There is a beautiful nuance to how the mind works in traversing across various 'personas' of ourselves. I'd like to believe that there is an inner equilibrium in all of us when we are open to embracing both the 'calm' and 'fiery' with equanimity. Thoroughly enjoyed the accompanying recording too.

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Thank you so much, Josh, for listening and offering your words of appreciation. Your words on the mind traversing is so beautiful, they inspire me to take out my leather bound poetry journal.

Yes, equanimity, the great ideal that holds the jewel of peace... It's fascinating to me how, even after I taste that peace, I can easily and willingly jump onto the roller coaster of resistance! According to my Buddhist studies, that jumping on and off, or picking up the jewel then setting it down, is the habitual patterns of mind that takes an unwavering faith and determination with courage to at last not be a puppet to their energies.

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Dear Renee, I have been quiet, taking time out, but I'm glad to venture back into your world on this post. It is so appropriate to where I am right now, exploring my own authentic voice, making peace with the different parts of me. So much of what you say resonates (always!) and I just want to thank you for opening yourself up with honesty. It's difficult sometimes to see in this online world, the true essence of who any of us are—wholly. And yet, it is within these detours that we truly get to know people, and right there is connection. Thank you 💛

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Alice, I'm so glad you are back in this little corner of the internet. It is a difficulty knowing where the boundaries are when communicating online, meaning how much to open up to allow for authenticity while maintaining a quiet and private life. I speak for myself of course, as a newbie to the online world. I learn from how beautifully you are able to open up and share, yet seem to maintain a quietness to your world.

With your permission, I'd like to offer a shout out to your summer course in my next publication.

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Dear Renee, I value your observation of my trying to be authentic and open, whilst remaining private. Sometimes it's a tricky balance. I take inspiration from you, too. It reminds me that we need to share vulnerability and be honest in order to truly connect. Sometimes I shut myself away...I tire of trying to be open. Other times I simply want to share and have my words resonate. I dance the online steps sometimes well, sometimes messy. But then, that is all part of being authentic, I guess.

I would be so incredibly touched if you wanted to share something of my little course. Being so inactive online most of the time (!) means I rely on word-of-mouth. But, I also am a strong believer that the meaningful connections find us...and remain, no matter.

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Loved this, Renee. Now I understand our connection, being a middle child, myself.

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Yes, this is true. We are joined by middle child energy. Hopefully we can enjoy that energy in a few months at retreat!

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Oh, I'm not going north this year - several things conspired against it. But I will be at Kirby's Guru Yoga retreat this Saturday.

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OMG, I LOVE This! Thank you so much. I am definitely the jump out of my skin type and though I am finding that meditation and slow practices like qigong help me center, I hadn't thought of it as "a long journey to guide the fire in me to support the calm I now am able to call upon." I so much needed to hear this. I have had such a fear of the fire my whole life - this helps.

I love love: "It is our noble work to unveil the calm, so we live in more peace and joy, both for ourselves and for all others. This is compassion in action."

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Thank you so so much, Karen, for reading and sharing! I, too, find qigong one of the best portals into guiding the body and mind into a state of gentle-calm. Intentional movement is so effective at guiding a jumpy mind into a peace.

Yes, fire is beautiful, too. I think of my fire as a bonfire now, no longer a fire that burns the whole forest down. The bonfire is a friendly call to others, a place to warm one's cold hands, sparkly without hurting anyone, including myself! :) :)

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful rumination. The quiet passion that is brimming under the calm surface of your spirit radiates of fierce authenticity, and I think the reader is intuitively aware of that. 🌼💜

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Swarna, thank you so very much for your kind words. Your poetic spirit has a power that is a gift and I'm grateful you are compass-holder that really helps keep this publication moving forward with your friendship!

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This is lovely. Thank you for sharing your human-ness.

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Thank you, Phia for reading and appreciating and understanding my intention. In a world in which topics that I touch upon are 'branded' I find myself compelled to make sure my offerings don't fall into that trap, as a silent lie could easily start to permeate a body of work.

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Thanks for this beautiful detour. Yep, that oscillation between serenity and intensity is pretty much my reality as well. I wouldn't have it any other way!

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Yes! I wouldn't have it any other way, too! In his comment above, Josh Pillay points to that same truth, and touches on the equanimity that comes with the skill of being open to embracing both the calm and the fire. This topic reminds me so much of what your beautiful novel balances upon. Thank you, for reading, Nicola!

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