Listening to your words swells my heart. So much here that resonates and inspires. But perhaps the reminder of "Holding a compass of compassion to guide us as we sail over the many moods of the sea of life can create our days to be peace-filled, full of joy and happiness" is just what I needed to hear today. I'm excited to have connected with you across the ocean.
Thank you for the reminder that creativity exists is so many aspects of life & it isn't just sitting down to create something artistic. I have not had the time I have wanted to spend on writing or visual arts and often feel like my creativity has fled never to return. But you are right: creativity can be part of whatever you do. That gives me a hope for a creative life even in my current phase!
So true. And from my experience the visual arts and writing type of creativity flows in and out like a tide and learning to not get upset by that tide is something I have to remind myself of.
Congratulations on this inaugural publication and thank you for your work in bringing together a compassionate community! I am pulled in by the imagery your words create: a “Compass of compassion” for our journey, it is beautifully supported by the actual image for this publication. I have never really consciously thought about infusing Compassion in my work, I look forward to being more aware of this. Thank you!
Thank you, Gina. Your words mean so much, especially at the beginning of this journey. I, too, continually aim to be more aware and more skilled at compassionate action. Having friends to walk with makes the greatest of difference!
Listening to your words swells my heart. So much here that resonates and inspires. But perhaps the reminder of "Holding a compass of compassion to guide us as we sail over the many moods of the sea of life can create our days to be peace-filled, full of joy and happiness" is just what I needed to hear today. I'm excited to have connected with you across the ocean.
Thank you, Alice. I'm so grateful that we connected, too! Knowing that my work has resonated with you is heart-warming and very humbling.
Thank you for the reminder that creativity exists is so many aspects of life & it isn't just sitting down to create something artistic. I have not had the time I have wanted to spend on writing or visual arts and often feel like my creativity has fled never to return. But you are right: creativity can be part of whatever you do. That gives me a hope for a creative life even in my current phase!
So true. And from my experience the visual arts and writing type of creativity flows in and out like a tide and learning to not get upset by that tide is something I have to remind myself of.
Congratulations on this inaugural publication and thank you for your work in bringing together a compassionate community! I am pulled in by the imagery your words create: a “Compass of compassion” for our journey, it is beautifully supported by the actual image for this publication. I have never really consciously thought about infusing Compassion in my work, I look forward to being more aware of this. Thank you!
Thank you, Gina. Your words mean so much, especially at the beginning of this journey. I, too, continually aim to be more aware and more skilled at compassionate action. Having friends to walk with makes the greatest of difference!